The changing spectrum of sexuality

In the last few years, I have found myself questioning my sexuality. Not in a hardline sense. I’ve always known I was bisexual although I’d now consider myself pansexual; gender doesn’t come into it for me when I’m considering whether I find someone attractive or not. More in a ‘wow, I am a LOT more attracted to girls than I thought I was’ way. Like now I’d probably say I’m 80 – 90% into girls and non-binary people and 20% or less into guys.

I think when I was younger it was just easier with guys. They were a pretty sure thing everytime you approached them and I wasn’t as confident in my appeal to women. Even if I thought they were into me, I had no idea how to talk to them – in *that* way, at least. Plus I grew up in Jamaica, which is horrifically homophobic. Not exactly a safe place to express your desire to be with a woman (although I definitely had those urges when I was in high school over there). Nowadays I’m still not as confident in approaching women but I am definitely sure I like them and I am fairly confident they like me too.

I also have a REAL THING for men in gender non-conforming clothing. Also androgynous women but that can be a post for a different day. Today is all about men in dresses, like so:

Although to be fair, Brad Pitt in a dress is a bit of a cop-out. I mean, who ISN’T going to find him hot? Look at those ‘fuck-me’ eyes in the second pic. He’s smoking a fucking cigarette (which I hate) and I still want to rip his mod 70s mini-dress off and fuck his brains out. Hold me back now. God he’s 60-something now, isn’t he? And he’s still a HUGE babe. Not that older men aren’t sexy and all that. Society is kind to men when they age. But Brad is in a league of his own, really.

Also Denis O’Hare in the Hotel season of American Horror Story. Oh my lord, he just does it for me. I can’t explain it. I just like what I like.

A guy I know turned up in high heeled ankle boots at the babylikestopony Mardi Gras party this year and it was so fucking hot. I also LOVED this person in the burlesque show we went to the other night. They were dressed in lingerie with a full face of show makeup but were quite male presenting (body hair, beard, etc.) I’m actually concerned about misgendering them but I can’t find any info on what their preferred pronouns are. Oh well, they’ll never read this. I think I’m safe!

I love the whole Hollywood trend that was happening where men were wearing dresses and typically female style clothing on the red carpet. It was AMAZING! Why should they be stuck wearing suits all the time when women get to have ALLLL the fun!

I wonder if I’m attracted to the freedom and confidence that these type of people project. Or maybe I just like rebels. Or the subversion of society’s norms. I think I would like a guy to wear a dress and dominate me. That just popped into my head. It’s a bit weird but so am I so I’m going to allow it.

Anyway, that’s enough of this for now. I’m going to go about my day, with my eyes firmly peeled for some men in ‘women’s’ clothing. And not as a fucking joke or for dress up party either (although I do like that). More the type of men who are strutting around with a ‘yeah, I’m wearing a fucking skirt and blouse, what the fuck of it?’ attitude. That would make my Friday.

Enjoy your Friday too. Wherever you are.

Oh yeah, the poly thing…

On the poly front, we took a bit of a break from dating other people after we broke up with Cherish. Neither of us was in a great place plus we thought it best to focus on each other, rather continuing the open relationship thing we had going on. It’s now been about a year since we broke up and we’re in a much better place.

We randomly hooked up with a  little Colombian girl at Coachella. She was as little as me and super fiesty. Spent the night with us on the Friday and then we hung out all day on Saturday and met up with her on Sunday. We were meant to catch up with her when we all got back to LA but we ran out of time. To be honest, it was a fling that reminded me a lot of when we first started seeing other women, uncomplicated and easy. Plus, she’s an epic tattoo artist so, if we ever go back to LA or if she comes to Aus, we will 100% be getting tattoos from her. Sign me up!

On the homefront, there’s a girl we’ve been on and off hooking up with here in Sydney. Actually that makes it sound much more regular than it is. It’s more like we’ve hooked up with her in the past and been conversing for awhile. She leans more lesbian and, with Jared being super busy with work at the moment, he’s given me permission to see her on my own. This is both exciting and scary for me as usually we go on dates together so I have him as my buffer in case the conversation falters (Jared can talk underwater). So it’s a bit daunting to think of being alone with no team mate waiting to be tagged in when I inevitably run out of words (well, maybe not inevitably). On the other hand, it’s also very exciting… for obvious reasons.

Tonight I’ve been pottering around the house wondering if Jared giving me his blessing to see this one girl means I can potentially go on dates with other women while he’s otherwise occupied (i.e. working) and what this could mean for our relationship. Does it just work with this girl because he knows her and has a connection with her even if she’s more into me? Or would it be a broad-spectrum yes to all women, just no men? How will this affect us as a couple? How will it play out when Jared doesn’t have to work so much? Will he want to start dating on his own as well?

These are things we’ve discussed before but never acted on so it’s an entirely new frontier we’re embarking on here. If we embark on it. I’m undecided. I’ll let you know how it goes. 😉

The appeal of debasement 

Image credit: Splooshworld

As someone who considers herself a fairly strong woman who very rarely takes any kind of shit, I’m frequently surprised by my desire to be sexually debased. I know many people reading this will be able to explain why this may be and I understand it myself – what we desire in “life” and in sex are very different – and yet still the question persists… whhhhyyyy? As a victim of sexual assault, why would I be drawn to encounters of roughness, humiliation and power play? Why would I essentially want to disregard an element of my humanness at such a vulnerable moment?

If I put on my rational hat, I’d probably think it has something to do with being able to take back some measure of control or rewrite an unpleasant situation. It makes a lot of sense when you consider it that way. Yet it surprises me that things that happened so long ago could still be in play when it comes to my desires. Or is it that they became intrinsically linked to my desires when they occurred? Probably a bit of both. Also, I think that, as someone whose experimented a lot and watched a lot of porn, maybe I’m desensitised and looking for something that makes me feel more. Not that sex without intimidation, humiliation, etc. is boring… Hmmmm, I actually don’t know where I’m going with this line of thinking. 

When I watch porn, I vary to extremes; either I like the nicely shot stuff with the attractive people and the respectful looking sex or I like when the girl is treated like a mostly inanimate plaything, usually with more than one guy. I don’t want her to be crying or anything like that but I’m ok with some visual discomfort and rough housing. The men view her as something attractive to play with. If she feels pleasure it’s purely incidental, a by-product of their actions or maybe something they instigate for their amusement but never the main focus. What matters is what they take from her and the visible and audible pleasure they get from using her body. 

Image credit: Storify

For myself, I haven’t really explored how far down the rabbithole I’m willing to go. Thoughts of being owned, commanded, verbally debased, physically overpowered and shared at will are all highly arousing. When I read about it, I want to experience it for myself – but always in submission to a man. Gender plays a huge role in it for me; somehow it’s not as appealing to be dominated by a woman. The element of power, strength and danger seem to fall away even as I know I could be just as easily be overpowered and controlled by a woman. Who do I think I am?! I’m tiny, a ten year old child could probably overpower me! A man with a female accomplice is gettting back on track but not a woman on her own. It’s fucked, I know, but the crotch wants what the crotch wants (crude as it is). There’s actually a small part of me that’s attracted to dominating another woman but it’s definitely not as defined as the part that wants to submit – to be debased, humiliated, controlled, belittled, manipulated, used. Whatever word you prefer, it amounts to this: to be made to not feel like a person in any sexual sense of the word, to be just a plaything, an object someone can treat as they will and for their own pleasure. 

Image credit: Polyvore 

But then again, how many of our fantasties turn out to be less than stellar once realised? I could think I want it and then realise it’s way too confronting. Who knows? The mind is a fickle thing. 

Bad dates and updates

Not quite the right dynamic but you get the picture. Image credit: Evan Marc Katz

We had a few dates with a girl recently. I couldn’t really figure out if I was into her, which in hindsight should have been a clear indication that I wasn’t. Anyway, she was older than both of us, which isn’t a problem at all, but for some reason she felt a lot younger in the sense that she seemed a bit immature and kind of annoying, like a teenager might be. Maybe it was her constant chatter or maybe it was the way she seemed compelled to prove she was different and interesting. I expressed my concerns to Jared just before our third date but he said to not overthink things and to give her the benefit of the doubt. I thought – ok, Nat, you’re tough on people. Give her go.

Third date rolls around and things take a turn for the worst. She only eats vegetables and cottage cheese, which in and of itself is fine, yet she chose a restaurant that didn’t really cater to her diet. I ordered for us and told her to pick some extra stuff if she wanted. She didn’t. But then she said she wasn’t hungry anyway and just wanted to drink. Jared and me are huge foodies. We eat out a lot and love trying new restaurants and, when she announced her food preferences on our second date, I immediately had concerns. I felt like she would eventually feel left out of that part of our lives. Even if she was always happy to just drink, it’s not quite the same as all going out to dinner and enjoying a fabulous meal together.

Part way through the date she demands that we tell her how hot she looks. We oblige. I’m happy to give compliments even if they’ve specifically asked for. She then demands that we pay excessive amounts of attention to her, i.e. she didn’t really like it when we spoke to each other, even as part of the group conversation. I think she must have noticed that things weren’t going well because her chattiness amped up and she then started lightly scraping her nails across my legs. Now, I really don’t like being touched by people I don’t know that well. I’m sure if I was more into her, it would have been fine but I wasn’t so it just made me really uncomfortable.

When we left the restaurant and headed to a nearby bar for a drink, I sat on the seat opposite and left Jared to sit next to her in the hopes that I would be our of reach. I wasn’t and I probably should have said something but I didn’t want to be mean. I’d already pretty much decided this was never going to happen so my goal was just to get out of there without hurting anyone’s feelings. After we’d finished our drinks, we left the bar. I think she thought we were all going back to our place or maybe getting more drinks but, thankfully, Jared swooped in with something about us all “taking it slow” and I guess she got the picture because we haven’t heard from her since (this was Saturday night). This was probably one of the worst dates we’ve been on, which, if I’m going to be honest, it wasn’t really that bad. I mean she wasn’t batshit crazy, she just wasn’t the right fit for us.

As we headed home in the taxi, Jared was very quiet and I was worried that he was upset we weren’t going to sleep with her (he assured me he wasn’t but I think he might have been maybe a tiny bit annoyed). When we’d spoken about the date earlier, he’d been of the mind that we sleep with her anyway because how are we going to know if someone’s a fit without doing so? My thoughts were that if we know she’s not a right fit or aren’t sure that we click, we shouldn’t sleep with her because then it will complicate things. The next morning, Jared told me that she was quite needy and we were right not to sleep with her. He agreed that trying to deal with the fallout afterwards wasn’t worth the brief pleasure of sleeping with someone new. I’m glad he came around to my point of view although I still have my doubts as to whether our styles of dating are totally compatible.

By the way, we did talk about my thoughts on us seeing people separately (a post or two ago) and – well, it didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I generally consider him a very confident person but, as our conversation progressed, I saw him spiral into a mess of insecurities. It was really quite terrifying and had me fearing for our relationship. Of course, what I’m proposing scares me too but I suppose I have a bit more faith in our relationship. We’re already doing things that challenge my trust and faith in ‘us’ whereas he’s not threatened by women (something I feel means he hasn’t really thought the whole thing through) so nothing we’ve done so far has really put that much strain on our relationship from his perspective. Anyway, he wants to talk to a counsellor about his insecurities because he sees how irrational and somewhat sexist they are so we’ll see how that goes. I can’t imagine it will happen anytime soon because it’s not something he really wants to happen (which is fair enough, it’s me that wants to change things) so it will be a very slow process.

On the upside, we’ve taken an interest in this little French chick that one of my friend’s occasionally sees. I suppose he’s kind of polyamorous too – he never sees anyone exclusively (or hasn’t for ages) and doesn’t get attached to anyone or demand they only see him while also being very respectful and not leading people on into thinking he’s offering him more than he is. So we’ll see how we go with seducing her. She’s coming on this boat cruise with us on the 11th so we’ll try our luck then.

Big, scary thoughts while reading The Ethical Slut

I started reading The Ethical Slut over the Xmas period. Still going actually. I borrowed it from a friend and it’s literally falling apart in my hands. I’m definitely going to have to buy him a replacement one but that’s neither here nor there really and definitely not what I was planning on making this post about. Me breaking a book apart by accident – there’s a riveting blog post if ever I heard one.

Anyway, I’ve found a lot of The Ethical Slut to be common sense yet other bits have been quite enlightening. I especially like how the authors tell you to give yourself (and your partner) permission to fuck up. You’re entering uncharted territory (for yourself at least) so it’s unrealistic to expect it to work perfectly 100% of the time. You’re both going to make mistakes. You’re both going to unintentionally (I hope) get hurt.

The most important thing is that you talk about what went wrong and get it out in the open. Don’t let it fester. That’s what ruins things. (I’m actually queen of this. It takes me a long time to figure out how to say stuff in my head and, in the meantime, I’m working myself up into a state generally about not all that much.) So long as the mistakes aren’t malicious and they’re not repeated over and over again even after they’re discussed, then anything (I think) is resolvable as long as you’re more sensible than me and actually pipe up. As simple and obvious as this may sound, it felt nice to hear two people experienced in these matters say you should expect things to go south. Just don’t give up and run for the hills.

As I get further and further into the book (less than 100 pages to go, might try and finish it this weekend), the more I think about whether trying to find one person we can ‘share’ is really the right thing to do. The initial purpose of us opening up our relationship was that, as a bisexual woman, I’d never been in a relationship with another woman and I wanted to experience this. At the time, it seemed natural (and yes safer) to explore this together. But is it really a full relationship with a woman when there’s always a man present? Well, not always but you understand what I mean. When we would discuss seeing people separately, the eventual agreement not to seemed, to me, very much based on fear (my own as well).

But now I feel differently. I feel that if we really want to do this, if we really want to say we’re ‘poly’, as we have been, we need to at least seriously consider opening ourselves up seeing people separately. Of course, we would always inform anyone up front what our situation was. In my mind, the goal would be that, if you were going to see this person regularly (we would need to define whether that was twice or however many times), we would always meet the other person that either of us was seeing, even if they didn’t want to sleep with the other partner. We would at least need to all get along so we could hang out socially and they could be part of our social group (if they wanted to be a part of that, I suppose).

I would want Jared to tell me if he had met someone in one of his bars and was going home with them (so I wouldn’t wake up and worry). We would of course tell each other what we were doing and how our relationships were progressing (if they were progressing separately). In my mind, I have already resigned myself to being the person who would be less ‘active’ because I’m naturally less social and don’t gel with as many people as he does. Despite being a raging slut in my single days, I have mellowed hugely and have so far always been the one that wants to put the brakes on thing. I don’t know if this would continue to be the case but it’s what I think would happen, knowing both of us and how we’ve each behaved over the past close to two years. He has been attracted to many, many more people than I have and I would expect that to grow quite a bit if he was left to his own devices without me saying, ‘No, I’m not into her’ all the time and without him having to say to women on Tinder, etc. that we’re a package deal. Although, perhaps I would also have more ‘bites’, if it was just me (at least sexually/romantically/in the beginning). Who knows really?

Me ‘saying this all out loud’ (i.e. typing it on my computer) doesn’t mean I’m not terrified by it. I am. I definitely am. But if I honestly believe that Jared can love me and still pursue other relationships with other women, then why do I feel the need to limit him to only pursuing those relationships when I’m there/involved? And even though The Ethical Slut doesn’t necessarily agree with me (it says the agreements or rules you make are totally up to what each person is comfortable with, i.e. you make your own ‘poly’), it just doesn’t make sense. I don’t want to be ruled by the fear of ‘what if’. I want to trust that our relationship is about more than just who we fuck and that just because we fuck, like or eventually love other people, doesn’t mean we love each other any less.

And yes, if we went ahead with it and Jared went home with women and on dates, etc., I would expect to have moments when I felt felt jealous and miserable. But I would hope that I’d remember what I read and know that I need to look for the real reason I’m feeling that way. Am I feeling left out? Do I feel like I’m losing him? And then, once I know what’s going on, to then ask for what I need. Perhaps a date night with just the two of us or some attention and reassurance that he does still love and want me. Even after nearly 11 years, I can’t expect him to read my mind and anticipate my feelings (surely someone’s working on a mind reading app though, right?).

God, as I write this I’m actually wondering if I’m fucking crazy. Why would I want to do this to my relationship? The flip side is that obviously I get to see other people as well but is that really what I want? I suppose I do but, more than that, I want to be true to the lifestyle that we’ve subscribed to. I want us to give ourselves the chance to experience the richness of life that I believe comes from having multiple partners and a network of people all intimately connected whether directly or indirectly. A big, weird family, of sorts. And yes, of course there are going to be some fucks up – some major, some minor – and I’m sure there will be many, many tears and arguments and times when I’ll think back on this post and hate myself for even considering such a thing. But then again… what if?

Who knows if this will happen? I’m actually quite scared to date on my own. Having him there means we can share the conversation load. I don’t have to worry about filling in all the silences because he loves to talk. But, that being said, it’s definitely a little seed that’s taken hold in my brain and I’m kind of hoping it flowers.

A whole month, they say

WordPress tells me it’s been a month since my last post and my only excuse is: I’ve been busy. Busy with my new job. Busy with uni. Busy with life getting away from me and/or getting in the way. I suppose if nothing was happening I wouldn’t have anything to write about so perhaps it’s good to have a lot going on. Still, not having anything to write about looks exactly the same as not writing anything so go figure. I need to make time for these things, I suppose.

Ok, so… we’ve had a few contenders roll in and out of play over the last month. There’s a chick we know who we’ve slept with a few times (twice, I think) but I don’t see that going any further, to be honest. Although she is very nice and does seem to enjoy having sex with us. We had a date with another girl (a primary school teacher that I matched with on Tinder) but we didn’t really connect with her. There was another Tinder match of mine who we were meant to meet end November but had to cancel at the last minute (can’t remember why) and only recently got back to her to reschedule. Unsurprisingly, she hasn’t responded as yet.

And, finally, Jared matched with a chick on Happn (if that’s the right terminology for that app, I’m not sure, I don’t have it). We met her on Saturday and the banter was good. She was very talkative (Jared thinks she was just nervous but I think she’s quite chatty normally but probably even more so due to nerves). Regardless, it went well. We have similar lifestyles and interests (she likes swingers clubs, maybe she can help convince Jared to go to one with me by making him feel like the prude of the group ;)). I’m guessing we’ll tee up another date at some point as we all agreed we clicked so I suppose it’ll just come down to when everyone’s available.

Separate from all the dating activity, it’s been a bit of an emotional roller coaster in other ways. I’ve decided on two things:

  1. I’ve found it hard to be ok with what I perceive as Jared’s prioritisation of our poly dates over our own dates. I’ve always maintained that our relationship needs to be strong and I need to feel connected before I can commit to looking for a third person and, when I feel like we hardly see each other, I, perhaps selfishly, don’t want to give up any of that time to meet someone new. When we find someone who becomes a more permanent fixture that will of course change but for now we’re just going on first dates and, in my mind, that can wait.
  2. I’ve decided that I can no longer participate in any threesomes or group sex activities while drunk or high. Tipsy, fine, but not wasted in any sense of the word. I can’t remember things, I can’t really understand the gravity of what I’m agreeing to and I can’t, in good conscience, make the best decision for my own mental health while under the influence. Yes, it might take some of the ‘fun’ and ‘spontaneity’ out of things but too bad. It’s something that makes me feel out of control and I always find myself regretting something so I’d rather not put myself in that situation anymore. Also, I feel I should state that I don’t need to be drunk or high when doing these things, it’s just that, to date, that’s when it all occurs; usually spontaneously when we’re out on weekends and everyone comes back to our place. Also, it will help me feel more invested in the people we’re seeing. Usually, Jared’s the only person pursuing anyone in these settings as I’m generally not that interested in sex when drunk/high. This has lead to me feeling like who we see has been decided exclusively by him and is no longer about “us” anymore. Of course, he asks me beforehand but, as I said, I don’t think I can make the right decision for myself in that state.

Personally, I don’t think these are such drastic changes. Yes, they will change how we interact with people but I think it will be for the better. We will feel more connected. The sex will be better. Everyone will feel better about what happened afterwards. There will be less regret, less embarrassment. I don’t know if there’s all that much of this going on for Jared or these other women but I know I would be a much better participant if I was clear headed (or at least more clear headed ;)).

So there you have it. The developments over the last month. I will try to write more often, if anyone cares to read them. Just got to get back into the habit, I suppose!

More on the “company” promised in the last post

So in my last post I mentioned that we had some “company” during our honeymoon. That company was Marie who we’ve been off and on trying to seduce for over a year now. We’d had some success but, in the end, the kibosh was put on it all because she was the ex of one of Jared’s bartenders and she didn’t want to make it weird. However, he no longer works for Jared (and it was ages ago) so when we asked her on a date, about a week before the wedding, she accepted and we had a very lovely yet very innocent dinner. At the end of the night, we made plans to catch up when we were back from the wedding.

After the nuptials, we had a few nights booked in an Airbnb on the Northern beaches of Sydney. This place had all the essentials: pool, epic bath tub, lots of tanning space, good kitchen. We suntanned, cooked every night and drank wine, had lots of baths and read our books. It was glorious. And it only got better when Marie agreed to come up and visit us on our last day. We drank mimosas in the sun until it clouded over. Jared made us lunch and we had an impromptu bikini-clad to topless photo shoot (well, all topless for me considering I never wear a bikini top) on this weird psychedelic My Little Pony-esque papier-mache sculpture the guy had in the house. I’m not even kidding you – that is an honest to god factual description of this thing.

Then we ventured upstairs and Marie and I hopped in the bath. Marie is going through a self proclaimed “70s phase” so she was sporting the first full bush I have seen in a looooooong time. Not to say it was bad, it was just very novel. It wasn’t long before Jared climbed in (after a random burping contest between Jared and Marie for which we found no clear winner because we all got ‘distracted’) and then we all rolled into bed. I will say that she is very skilled with her tongue. She made me come in record time. And watching her and Jared together and Jared and me and all of us entwined as always is a hugely erotic experience.

I think we were all a little star struck with one another because it was such a long time in the making. We played around in bed until dinner time (Jared cooked again – what a good husband he’s turning out to be) and then had icy poles and got back into bed again and played around some more. She stayed over (probably because we were so far away from her home) but slept in a different room because she has insomnia and couldn’t take her usual medication because she’d been drinking. In the morning, Jared made us french toast and we all drove home.

We’re in the process of making plans to see her again but in the meantime we’re still chatting to a few people on Tinder, Bumble, etc.

On a separate note: I’m conscious that my sex writing has dropped off somewhat (read: a lot) and I definitely didn’t do this story justice. I’m going to do my best to get back to writing less self consciously about this, both for my fiction and non-fiction. Work in progress over here, folks! I’ll get better, I promise.


Last night, we had what turned out to be a very adult conversation about how we handle our little extra-marital adventures. Aside from us both needing to agree on who we invite into our bed and the practising of safe sex, I felt I needed to explain to Jared how I often feel before and after these occurrences. 

Even though, this exploration was my idea and seeing him fuck another woman is still one of my biggest turn ons, there are definitely emotional consequences that result from even the most successful coupling. Seeing your partner flirt with and pursue then later fuck someone else can be incredibly hot and yet, when all’s said and done, logic will often come swooping in to ruin all those warm fuzzy feelings. Or maybe that’s just me. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t want to stop and I feel very in love and secure in my relationship but I do feel the need for extra affection to re-establish our connection after seeing him with someone else, which was pretty much the basis of our conversation. 

Seeing as Marie might be joining us today, I wanted to put everything out on the table. Not that things have been going terribly thus far, more that I’d never voiced these feelings and I wanted us to be able to move forward with him knowing what I need. And what I need is to feel included in the chase, to feel like a wanted party as well – before and during (unless I just want to watch) – and, even more importantly, for him to lavish me with affection and attention at the end. Usually, I’ll be super horny because of all the fresh imagery loaded up in my mind so I’ll end up ravaging him as soon as she’s gone or asleep or whatever but, more than just sex, it’s that reconnection I end up craving. An affirmation that, despite how fucking mind blowing the sex may have been with this other woman, the love and connection and passion and desire still exists between the two of us. 

As I type this, it feels like a terribly insecure thing to feel but it’s the truth. As turned on by the experience as I am and as committed as I am to the idea that sex with someone other than your partner does not automatically equal a loss or change of love between the initial couple, we’re still conditioned to think that maybe just maybe we’re wrong. So that extra time spent cuddling and fucking after the fact goes a long way to bringing me out of that weird self doubting, yet hugely aroused headspace I always find myself in after we’ve been with someone else. 

To Jared’s credit, he was very understanding. As we currently don’t see any guys, his position has never felt threatened so he doesn’t have to experience the range of emotions I do when I see him with another woman. Maybe one day he will feel comfortable enough for it to happen – I hope so but am not overly phased – but until then he just needs to remain sensitive to my needs and feelings, while obviously also satisfying the needs of whoever we happen to be seeing at the time. I still definitely want us to progress into relationship space with someone because, while the sex is fun, I definitely crave a deeper connection and want to find someone we can share our rather amazing life with. 

But that’s a post for another day. For now, it’s enough that the usually reticent me was able to articulate my feelings without it having to be dragged out of me, kicking and screaming. Look at me go. I just might make a good wife yet!

Sometimes things just seem to fall in your lap in the best possible way 

With the wedding planning taking up most of my free time, I haven’t had much opportunity to go on Tinder or any other social dating sites for that matter (although I think Jared still managed to). Yet the universe works in mysterious ways, once you stop looking, it seems likeminded people just somehow find you. 

We had a random night out a few weeks ago where a few friends came back to our house and one of the girls jumped me quite unexpectedly. We ended up having a threesome with her that involved her asking for rough sex (something Jared isn’t normally comfortable with although maybe that’s just with me 😬) and anal (which Jared was more than happy to accommodate). Jared fucking another woman’s ass – at her request – was something I found extremely hot and resulted in quite a replenishment of “wank bank” material for me and some hot sex for us while she slept and we watched TV on the couch. 

Another new female friend is newly experimenting with couples and has expressed an interest in sleeping with us, although her insistence that she needs to be drunk to go through with it makes me not so keen. If you have to get hammered to do something, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Although, that being said, a drink or two to steady your nerves is totally acceptable in my book. 

The night after our wedding night, one of my good friends – who I’d tried to have a threesome with over ten years ago but we’d never been able to agree on a guy – decided she was ready and climbed into bed with me and Jared. We’d previously agreed that I should be the first person Jared fucked after our wedding day (we were too tired the night of our wedding to consummate) but, on the spur of the moment, I decided it would be hotter and naughtier if the first person he fucked as a married man was another woman – so that happened. She has the most beautiful body and is closer to Jared’s height so he was able to do a lot more with her position-wise and be a bit rougher than he normally would with me (because I’m so small). Plus I have a huge fascination with how other women sound when they’re having sex and/or cumming so it was really hot. 

To be honest, there was a lot of sex and group sex happening around the resort – one of my girlfriends had a foursome with two gay guys and one straight guy that basically just involved them all making out and exclaiming how beautiful and soft and gorgeous she was and the straight guy going down on her. Frankly, I was upset not to have been invited! Also, I would’ve been greatly disappointed if there wasn’t any group sex (aside from my own) at my wedding. Everyone would’ve gotten a lecture about how to be more adventurous – just kidding (or am I?). 

PLUS we have Marie back in the picture – her of girl pash-a-thon in the bar bathroom fame who also went to second base with Jared (or was it third? I never knew what the bases were, seeing as I was kind of always an all the way girl) but then she got weirded out because she used to see one of Jared’s bartenders. Anyway, the bartender in question no longer works for Jared plus it’s been over a year now. She made contact with us so we took her on a date a week before our wedding and she might be coming up to our mini-moon house tomorrow to sunbake and laze by the pool. We’ll see what happens there. 

All this on top of the usual random kissing and making out that happens with our friends when everyone gets together for a fun time. 

Still, the traditional part of me thinks we should spend this newly married time focusing on one another and revelling in each other’s company but does it really matter? We are who we are. We’ve been together ten and a half years and I don’t see us being with other people as us loving each other any less. So long as Jared can still make me feel special while pursuing these other women (he’s been the only one doing any pursuing of late) then I’m fine with it, seeing as I benefit from it as well (being bisexual and also liking seeing my partner with other women). 

I’m going to try and not overthink it (for once!) and let things develop naturally. As long as it all remains open, honest and respectful then it will be fine. 

Apollonia Saintclair erotic art –

The internet is full of amazing things and last night I found one of them while scrolling through Facebook. How awesome is this drawing by Apollonia Saintclair??

From Apollonia With Love on society6

And she has HEAPS of drawings all sorts of different sex stuff depicted in her beautiful illustrative style. I’m pretty sure there’s something for everyone – bondage, rope, dominance, submission, lesbian, bisexual, exhibitionism, public sex, even beastiality in the form of a few curious octopuses.  Hell, even ball pits (as seen above), which I’m only now seeing for their sexual potential.

I found her when The Creators Projects featured her in one of their articles and then I spent the next hour of so trawling through her Tumblr page and society6 site (where you can buy her work). I was pretty hot and bothered by the time I was done. The only other thing I will say is this: feast your eyes on her wonders – just not at work. And maybe try and have a willing (and like minded) partner nearby so you can both get frisky together. Sadly, Jared was not all that interested when I tried to show him my discovery (he was tired and stressed from work and just wanted to watch TV). *sigh*

Some of it is pretty out there – but I like out there so it was just up my alley. In fact, it’s given me a few ideas for things to write about. 🙂